Timing, Flexibility Key to Grazing Tall Fescue Spring Flush

Taking advantage of early growth can improve productivity, nutritional intake.

March 5, 2025

Fescue pasture. [Flickr photo by uacescomm (Dirk Philipp, University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture)  Shared under a Creative Commons (BY-NC-SA) license (noncommercial use only).]

Fescue pasture. [Flickr photo by uacescomm (Dirk Philipp, University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture).]

by Linda Geist, University of Missouri Extension

Proper management of the spring flush of tall fescue gives pastures and cattle a head start for the rest of the grazing season, says University of Missouri (MU) Extension state forage specialist Harley Naumann.

Spring flush occurs when conditions are right for cool-season grasses to come out of their dormant state. This happens when soils warm to 55°-65° F, typically late April to early May in northern Missouri. Southern Missouri pastures usually warm three weeks earlier.

“The spring flush of tall fescue offers livestock farmers and ranchers a valuable opportunity to improve productivity and enhance the nutritional intake of their cattle by grazing at the right time,” says MU Extension state beef nutrition specialist Eric Bailey.

“The spring flush of tall fescue offers livestock farmers and ranchers a valuable opportunity to improve productivity and enhance the nutritional intake of their cattle by grazing at the right time.” — Eric Bailey

Manage spring flush with MiG

One of the most effective ways to manage the spring flush of tall fescue is through management-intensive grazing (MiG). MiG involves rotating cattle among smaller, well-defined paddocks, giving each area time to recover before being grazed again. MiG prevents overgrazing and encourages healthy pasture regrowth, and it may improve soil health by promoting more uniform forage utilization and manure distribution.

MiG ensures that tall fescue is grazed while it is still in a vegetative, high-quality state, preventing it from maturing into coarse, less-nutritious forage. “This is especially important with tall fescue, as it tends to mature quickly and lose quality if not grazed at the right time,” says Naumann. “It can be a delicate balancing act, but the objective is to graze close enough to remove the reproductive tillers so that the majority of pasture regrowth remains vegetative while not overgrazing.”

Graze before pastures ‘look ready’

“Begin rotational grazing before pastures ‘look ready,’” says Naumann. If you wait until the first paddock looks ready, the last-used paddocks will be overgrown by the time you turn cows out on them.

Plan grazing so paddocks with the most forage are used first. Rotate as often as possible, as rapidly growing grass calls for rapid rotation. Adjust paddock size as needed.

“Everyone’s operation is different, so there is no one-size-fits-all recommendation,” Nauman says.

Add flexible grazing units

“By incorporating management-intensive grazing and adding flexible grazing units like stocker cattle, you can reap the most benefits of the spring flush and maintain a sustainable grazing system,” Bailey says.

Farmers often lament that tall fescue growth rate far outpaces cattle forage demands in the spring. When this happens, tall fescue matures and forage quality declines. Historically, excess tall fescue forage is harvested as dry hay and fed to beef cows during winter.

MiG + stocker cattle = $

However, an opportunity exists to make use of this spring flush with growing cattle, says Bailey. To make full use of the spring flush, consider increasing stocking rates temporarily by adding stocker cattle to your cow-calf operation.

“Over the past five years, my lab has consistently demonstrated substantial stocker cattle weight gain by grazing calves at high stocking rates on tall fescue in the spring,” says Bailey.

“Gains above 1.5 pounds per day are possible when grazing weaned beef calves on tall fescue in April, May and June,” he says. “Be sure to remove calves from tall fescue during July and August as daily weight gain drops below 0.5 pounds per day.”

By adding stockers, you can temporarily increase your grazing pressure, which reduces the accumulation of mature, unpalatable forage and keeps the pasture in a more vegetative state. This promotes more even grazing across the entire pasture and ensures both cow-calf pairs and stockers have access to high-quality grass.

“Flexible grazing units like stocker cattle give you the ability to adjust stocking density as needed based on pasture growth, making it easier to manage seasonal forage fluctuations,” says Bailey. “By integrating these practices, you can improve pasture health, enhance herd nutrition and increase the profitability of your operation.”

Editor’s note: Linda Geist is senior strategic communication associate with MU Extension.

Angus Beef Bulletin EXTRA, Vol. 17, No. 3-A

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