newborn calf

Transfer Factor Enhances Immunity

Primer paste for newborns gets calves off to a good start.

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Once the cow herd has transitioned to a drylot, maintain a steady, consistent dry matter feed intake. [Photo courtesy NDSU]

Keep the Cow Rumen Healthy in Drylot

Maintaining a healthy cow herd means maintaining a healthy rumen. Here are some considerations for cows in drylot.

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Can Pine Needles Cause Abortions in Cows?

It’s best to keep pregnant cattle fenced out of pine trees during the second and third trimesters.

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Prepare for a Successful Calving Season

Get your cows, facilities and supplies ready for calving season with these tips.

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The border wall Between the United States and Mexico at the Santa Teresa Crossing between New Mexico and the Mexican State of Chihuahua

Cattle and Bison Imports From Mexico Resume

Imports being resumed under new guidelines to protect U.S. cattle herd from New World screwworm.

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cattle on scale

Gizmos & Gadgets

Product feature: Smart ways to manage cattle with precision scale systems.

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cattle in snow

Cattle Care During Prolonged Extreme Cold

Cold weather has moved in quickly with no plans of leaving soon. Here are tips for knowing when your cattle are hurting and what you need to do to mitigate the effects of cold weather.

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Tips for a Better Cow Herd

Improving fertility in cows involves leveraging genetic selection and advanced genomic tools to enhance reproductive performance, but genetic potential is only half the battle. Environment is the other half.

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cows on pasture

Older Cows Require a Little More Attention

K-State’s Brian Lubbers and Phillip Lancaster offered management tips for caring for older cows and factors that should be considered in making a culling decision.

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