2024 Feeder-Calf Marketing Guide
Navigating the Cattle Cycle
A resource center by the Angus Beef Bulletin
More return on your investment — that’s the goal of this annual resource. Find insights for raising quality calves, leveraging Angus programs and services, and navigating today’s feeder-calf market. Directories help you connect to seedstock providers, feedlots, auction markets, and the products and services you need.
Charting the Course for the Cattle CycleThe U.S. cattle industry has followed a cyclical pattern for well over a century, even throughout the many shocks and changes that have occurred over the decades. As the saying goes, history rarely repeats itself, but it does often rhyme. That is especially true when it comes to cattle cycles, which gives us a guide for market expectations in the years ahead. CattleFax Market Analyst Patrick Linnell shares how.
It Should Be an Exciting, Wild RideIn “Market Closeout,” Troy Marshall provides commentary to help producers understand the current market situation and how they can best position themselves for profitability. In this installment, Marshall comments on how to mitigate your risk for a roller-coaster ride in the feeder-calf market.
Lessons From Cycle SurvivorsAdvice for how to navigate the cattle cycle from those who have lived it.
Opportunities, Challenges in the Current Cattle CycleCertified Angus Beef’s Paul Dykstra discusses current market trends and what producers might expect in the coming year.
First Grid Premium Offered for Genetic MeritProducers to be paid premium for AngusLink Beef Scores.
To kick off Season 4, host Lynsey McAnally visits with two individuals very familiar with cattle markets and customer service. Jeff Slatten, owner of Beaver County Stockyards, shares his insight on current cattle markets, what is going well when it comes to cattle marketing, what producers can do to capitalize on the value of their cattle and how the staff at Beaver County keep their buyers and sellers coming back for more each week. Layne Conkle, voice of the Beaver County Stockyard market report, shares more about how marketing cattle has changed the last several years.
Listen nowThe year 2024 did little to answer the question of when the herd rebuild will begin. In many ways, it proved to be more of a sideways move rather than make noticeable progress in the beef industry.
Read moreTroy Marshall discusses current trends in the cattle market and how Angus feeder-calf sales in several states got their starts, as well as providing an update on recent feeder-calf sales hosted in December and where we see the cattle markets heading in 2025.
Listen nowHeifers are smaller percentage of mix, possibly signaling start of retention.
Read moreK-State economist shares Cattle-on-Feed report and thoughts on herd expansion.
Read moreThere has never been a time in our industry when the supply chain has been more closely aligned. That bodes well for both short-term and long-term profitability prospects.
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