October 2024
Necessity or Convenience?
Make the most of your investment in Angus with practical solutions on health, nutrition, marketing, genetics and management.
Angus Beef Bulletin
Controlling Spread of Infectious Disease Between Wildlife and Livestock on Shared RangelandTexas A&M AgriLife-led research looks at the nexus of wildlife and livestock for solutions to zoonotic disease. Sapna Chitlapilly Dass wants to address the disease transmission at the rangeland level. She is leading a research initiative dedicated to identifying pathogens, monitoring transmission pathways, and implementing rapid responses to address the potential danger posed by unidentified pathogens that could lead to severe epidemics.
Angus Beef Bulletin
Comparing EPDs Across Breeds featuring Esther TarpoffOn this episode of Angus At Work, Miranda Reiman visits with Esther Tarpoff, director of performance programs for the American Angus Association, regarding across-breed EPDs and how they’re calculated; the revolutionary nature of having data comparing multiple breeds; the role the U.S. Meat Animal Research Center plays in strengthening the U.S. cattle herd; and much more. Tune in for discussion of across-breed EPD adjustment factors, making comparisons across breeds, and USMARC.
Angus Beef Bulletin
Strong Feeder Markets Encouraging More SellingHeifers are smaller percentage of mix, possibly signaling start of retention.
Angus Beef Bulletin
The LinkMarketing is about finding the right method to tell your story to the right audience.
Angus Beef Bulletin
The Cost of InvasivesUW releases new findings on the economic ramifications of invasive weeds in Wyoming.
Discover how to capitalize on your investment in Angus genetics through the entire beef supply chain in this resource library. Articles focus on raising quality calves, leveraging commercial Angus programs and services, and navigating today’s feeder-calf market. Directories will connect you to seedstock providers, feedlots, auction markets, and products and services.
October red meat exports above year-ago levels; pork on record pace.
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Products and services for the farm and ranch. This edition of “Gizmos & Gadgets” features an updated small articulated loader, a Bluetooth-enabled mouse trap, a software suite for managing mixed fleets of tractors with precision technology, and new hay tedders and disc mowers.
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Marketing is about finding the right method to tell your story to the right audience.
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Heifers are smaller percentage of mix, possibly signaling start of retention.
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Notes from regional managers Radale Tiner and David Gazda on new eID rules as we head into bull sale season.
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Research collaboration by the Texas A&M Department of Entomology and the USDA creates potential for genetic tools to control disease-spreading ticks.
Members have made “Fostering the profitability of commercial cattle producers” their central long-range objective.
of feeders pay a premium for cattle with potential to qualify for CAB, and 42% of them expect that premium to increase in the future.
of feeders say the role of genetics will grow in importance in their purchasing decisions.
Angus bulls sold at auction in FY2023 — and more by private treaty.