Genetic News

Angus Journal

Getting Phenotypes for a More Efficient, Adaptable Cow

Scientists Christine Baes and Andre Garcia join The Angus Conversation.


Angus Journal

Ideas and Enthusiasm: Future Leaders Have Skills and Experience

The Angus Conversation Junior Takeover talks breeding, ambassadorship and involvement.

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Angus Journal

Board Recap: Digging in on Fertility Research, Expanding CAB Production, Enhancing Member Services

Angus Board directors discuss research priorities, driving demand, member questions and more.


Angus Journal

For Grandpa

The first PGS bull banner at the NJAS goes to a champion family.

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Data Dive Tarpoff

Angus Journal

Teat Size and Udder Suspension

Calving is the time to collect scores on dams’ udders.

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FQF speaker

Angus Beef Bulletin

Managing & Marketing High-Quality Cattle More Precisely

The world has changed, cattle have changed, and those managing them must keep up. The 19th annual Certified Angus Beef Feeding Quality Forum in Dodge City, Kan., gave 260 attendees tools and information to do just that.

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Angus Journal

From the Homestead to a Household Name

Gardiner Angus Ranch started with a Kansas homestead, a willingness to work and a quest to stay curious. From “pay it forward” and “there is no downside to marbling,” Mark Gardiner shares both life advice and breeding philosophy, covering everything from the history to today.

A young calf nursing on it's mother in a pasture.

Angus Journal

Angus Releases New Teat and Udder Research EPDs

New research EPDs, tools released by the American Angus Association and Angus Genetics Inc., help cattlemen prioritizing maternal traits.

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Angus Journal

Genes and Goals

Advancing genetic selection in Angus cattle.

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The latest news for Angus breeders

The Angus Journal keeps you informed on all things Angus.

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All the news for commercial cattlemen

The Angus Beef Bulletin shares practical marketing and management information.

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