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170 results for "Management" in site search
Publication Content Type Topic
The Survey Says: Angus Genetics Provide Value Through Supply Chain


What do commercial cattlemen pay for bulls, and how does that correlate to calf value? Are commercial herds planning to rebuild? What incentivizes feedlots to buy — and to pay a premium — on a set of calves? Angus Media, CattleFax gather insights on current management, future intentions of cow-calf and feedlot sectors.

Angus Beef Bulletin


Welcome to the Angus Beef Bulletin, the commercial cattleman’s Angus connection. Find the information you need to make the most of your investment in Angus genetics. The Angus Beef Bulletin provides news and information on health, genetics, nutrition, marketing and management through a variety of media, including the Angus Beef Bulletin magazine, the Angus Beef Bulletin EXTRA electronic newsletter and the Angus At Work podcast.

Angus Management News


The latest management news in The Business Breed.



Angus Beef Bulletin Management topic page providing access to stories on business planning, herd management, land stewardship, facilities solutions and more.

Association Perspective for November 2023


Regional managers can help you access programs and services of the American Angus Association.

Living With Wolves


Colorado’s wolf reintroduction plan took effect in 2023. How can ranchers manage this threat?

One-Participant 401(k) as a Tool for Farmers and Ranchers


No matter your age or employment status, there is a retirement investment option for you.

Gizmos & Gadgets


Get the scoop on a new metal RFID tag, a rumen bolus for livestock monitoring, a means to lower your utility bill and a system to predict cattle feed intake and make feeding predictions.

Gizmos & Gadgets


This month’s “Gizmos & Gadgets” includes a product to reduce the pain associated with castration and new tractor models.

Backgrounding at Different Rates of Gain


Backgrounding at a high rate of gain produces cattle with higher gains and ending weights.

Research Roundup


The Certified Angus Beef team shares research on heat-mitigation strategies in feedlots, along with tips for keeping cattle cool in this installment of “Research Roundup.”

Beef Cattle Budgets


Knowing operating costs helps with risk protection products and marketing opportunities.

Plan for Risk Exposure Related to Forage and Livestock Production


How to develop and execute a ranch risk management plan.

Despite Mild Winter, Spring May Bring Forage Challenges


In spite of predictions for a warmer and drier spring, ranchers should prepare for potential challenges at spring turnout.

Help Transform Nutrition into Profit in Today’s Robust Cattle Market


Calves fed quality nutrition help meet the needs of cattle buyers, allowing you to generate additional value.

Feedyard Insights Bring Focus to Profitability


The recently published “Industry Insights” report conducted by CattleFax analysts in partnership with Angus Media revealed several interesting trends and attitudes from the feedyard and cow-calf sectors.

Feedlot Finder


A directory of feedlots expressing interest in feeding Angus cattle.

‘Invisible Fence’ Keeps Cattle on Ranch and Protects Environment


Replacing wire and posts with cell towers and GPS collars offers a new way to set boundaries for grazing cattle.

End-of-Season Monitoring


Changing season of use or adding water sources/fencing could increase utilization of forage resources.

Prepare Grain Bins Responsibly Using These Safety Tips


With harvest season in full swing, farmers are reminded to practice safety around grain bins and grain-handling equipment..

From Thin Air


Kansas State University research adds to knowledge base on the genetic influence of methane production.

Outside the Box


Columnist Tom Field discusses the power of the words “no” and “go” in this edition of “Outside the Box,” a regular column in both the Angus Journal and the Angus Beef Bulletin.

Cattle Nutrition is Vital to the Immune System


How cultivating immunity via nutrition <span class="roman">in utero</span> can influence lifelong health.

Health & Husbandry


Author Brad White explains the concept of front-loading your calving season and why it matters in this edition of “Health & Husbandry.”

Valuable at Any Stage


Marketing calves? These strategies add value at any point in the cattle cycle.

Fenceline Weaning Reduces Stress and Illness in Calves


Ranchers have found better ways to wean than putting calves in a corral and taking the cows away. Jon and Breezy Millar have been fenceline-weaning their calves since 2012.

Angus Adaptability in an Evolving Industry


Keeping animal husbandry a top priority in the changing world.

Investigating the Cause of Cattle Abortions


Developing an overall herd health plan with your veterinarian can improve the recognition of preventable reproductive losses and enable preventative management strategies.

Gizmos & Gadgets


This month's “Gizmos & Gadgets” features FDA approval of additional claims for the combination use of Pennchlor® and Rumensin®, a new ultrasound unit by ReproScan and New Holland Agriculture’s new CR11 combine.

10 Tips to Bulletproof Your Beef Operation


Beef producers can use a window of profitability to make their farm business more bulletproof.

Precautionary Measures


Initiating a positive veterinarian-client-patient relationship can allow producers to enhance herd health through effective, proactive vaccination and antibiotic administration.

Properly Curing Hay is Crucial for Forage Quality


Properly curing hay to the correct moisture level for baling is crucial to maintaining forage quality.

Increased Chances of Dry Conditions Return to Western U.S.


Brian Bledsoe offers 2024 forecast at Range Beef Cow Symposium.

Cattle Feeders Have Spoken: Health is No. 1


Industry Insights survey says health is the first key to profit potential in the feedyard.

Evergreen Practices for Winter Forage Management


Making the most of hay and pasture distribution amid the onset of colder conditions can drastically impact an operation’s winter feeding plan.

What Feeders Want


Information to make informed decisions sets the stage for profit at the feedyard.

Selecting a Bull? Ask the Right Questions


Which bull is right for you depends on goals, marketing options and your cows.

Coming Together


Feedyard managers Dale Moore, Grant Morgan and Warren White share how they are collaborating and cooperating to feed better cattle.

Cattle Economics: Pasture Rental Rates


How to create a pasture rental agreement.

Managing Cow Body Condition is Critical for Profitability


Body condition of cows during calving affects open rates in the upcoming breeding season.

Products & Services


A directory to suppliers providing products, services.

Seeding Success


Ranch internships foster labor and life skills.

Preventing and Treating Pinkeye in Your Herd


Looking for guidelines relating to identifying, treating and preventing pinkeye? We’ve got you covered. We pulled tips from Brad White, Kansas State University veterinarian with the Beef Cattle Institute, in an episode of Angus At Work, a podcast for the profit-minded cattleman.

Where Are All the Good Ole Ag Kids?


In an industry struggling to find the next generation of workers, producers need to have a plan when it’s time to hire.

How Much Bull Power Do You Need?


Considerations for buying bulls this season.

Spring Calving is Coming, Keep the Right Records


As spring calving season approaches, it’s important to have a plan set in place for quality recordkeeping.

Nutritional Development of Bulls for Breeding Programs


Proper bull development is key to a successful beef cattle breeding season. Many factors play a role in bull development, including nutrition and daily gain.

New Regions, New Opportunities


Talon Youth Education Learning Program provides diverse opportunities for hosts and students.

Managing Tick-related Sickness in the Herd


Speaking on a recent Cattle Chat podcast, K-State veterinarian Brad White said anaplasmosis is a blood-borne pathogen carried primarily by ticks and can affect cattle in certain regions of the country.

Information Access and Sorting


One of the most popular search locations on the American Angus Association homepage continues to be the EPD/Pedigree Lookup feature, as this site receives more than 8 million page views each year.