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17 results for "Feedyard" in site search
Publication Content Type Topic
Research Roundup


The Certified Angus Beef team shares research on heat-mitigation strategies in feedlots, along with tips for keeping cattle cool in this installment of “Research Roundup.”

Help Transform Nutrition into Profit in Today’s Robust Cattle Market


Calves fed quality nutrition help meet the needs of cattle buyers, allowing you to generate additional value.

Feedlot Finder


A directory of feedlots expressing interest in feeding Angus cattle.

Cattle Feeders Have Spoken: Health is No. 1


Industry Insights survey says health is the first key to profit potential in the feedyard.

What Feeders Want


Information to make informed decisions sets the stage for profit at the feedyard.

Coming Together


Feedyard managers Dale Moore, Grant Morgan and Warren White share how they are collaborating and cooperating to feed better cattle.

Cattle Feeders Share Their Wishlist, Predictions


Kee Jim and Mike Thoren join The Angus Conversation.

Showing Up, Every Day


Magnum Feedyard earns the CAB Feedyard Commitment to Excellence Award.

Progress With BCHF


National Cattlemen’s Beef Association hosted AGI President Kelli Retallick-Riley to speak about research on cattle heart health at annual convention.

Feeding Quality Forum Registration Now Open


Navigating today’s market dynamics will be theme of Aug. 20-21 Feeding Quality Forum event in Dodge City, Kan.

American Angus Association Partners with IMI Global


Strategic collaboration drives profitability for independent cattle producer.

Cow-calf Producers Can Gain Carcass History by Enrolling in Steer Feedout


Enrollment deadline for Missouri Steer Feedout is Oct. 10. Cow-calf producers benefit by learning how their steers do in the feedlot and on the rail.

Managing & Marketing High-Quality Cattle More Precisely


The world has changed, cattle have changed, and those managing them must keep up. The 19th annual Certified Angus Beef Feeding Quality Forum in Dodge City, Kan., gave 260 attendees tools and information to do just that.

Feeder-Calf Marketing Guide


The Feeder-Calf Marketing Guide is a resource to help cattlemen using registered-Angus genetics profit in the quality-beef supply chain. Articles provide insight for raising quality calves, leveraging Angus programs and services and navigating today’s feeder-calf market. Directories help connect to seedstock providers, feedlots, auction markets, and the products and services needed to produce quality calves.

Researcher Explores Machine Learning’s Role in Predicting BRD Case Outcomes


K-State graduate student Lilli Heinen provides an update on her research concerning machine-learned predictive models and their role in minimizing the financial ramifications of bovine respiratory disease cases in feedlots.

More Than a Meat Scientist


Glen Dolezal’s efforts to improve meat science applications earn 2024 Industry Achievement Award.

Feeding Better Cattle Better


A dedication to feeding the best cattle to produce the best beef to satisfy all segments of the industry, especially the consumer, earned Carpenter Cattle Co. the 2024 Certified Angus Beef Feedyard Commitment to Excellence Award.