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76 results for "Business" in site search
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Panelists Talk Capturing Value During Angus Convention


An Angus University session on marketing cattle brings together commercial cattlemen, seedstock producers and industry representatives.

Angus Beef Bulletin


Welcome to the Angus Beef Bulletin, the commercial cattleman’s Angus connection. Find the information you need to make the most of your investment in Angus genetics. The Angus Beef Bulletin provides news and information on health, genetics, nutrition, marketing and management through a variety of media, including the Angus Beef Bulletin magazine, the Angus Beef Bulletin EXTRA electronic newsletter and the Angus At Work podcast.



Angus Beef Bulletin Management topic page providing access to stories on business planning, herd management, land stewardship, facilities solutions and more.

One-Participant 401(k) as a Tool for Farmers and Ranchers


No matter your age or employment status, there is a retirement investment option for you.

It’s in the Details


The sights and sounds at a feedyard are predictable, but you don’t expect to find such pristine facilities and people who care about every aspect of the cattle-feeding business. It’s all there at Magnum Feedyard, just outside Wiggins, Colo.

Biosecurity Basics & Beyond: Ensuring Your Operation’s Future


A biosecurity plan protects your animals, the industry and your bottom line.

Plan for Risk Exposure Related to Forage and Livestock Production


How to develop and execute a ranch risk management plan.

Market Closeout


The Nov. 1 Cattle-on-Feed report was a much-anticipated report for the industry, as the Oct. 1 report surprised analysts with a much larger than anticipated placement number. Troy Marshall reviews the Nov. 1 report.

Outside the Box


Columnist Tom Field discusses the power of the words “no” and “go” in this edition of “Outside the Box,” a regular column in both the Angus Journal and the Angus Beef Bulletin.

Keeping the Leading Breed in the Lead


Innovation at Angus panel features entity leadership.

When the Dust Settles


Oregon Angus breeder Randy Kessler showcases a lifetime of love for the breed.

Get More Out of Your Membership


The long-range objectives of the American Angus Association are a great way for us to make sure we as an organization are on the correct path for the membership.

Jumping In


Bruner, Hall join The Angus Conversation to share direct-to-consumer beef marketing journey and experience with CAB’s Ranch to Table pilot project.

What does winning look like?


Regardless if you are an Olympic athlete or a fourth-generation rancher, a relentless pursuit of winning is probably in your DNA — and the Angus breed is committed to helping you reach your goals.

The Angus Conversation: Building a Brand and Cattle That Match With Kelly Schaff 


When Kelly Schaff’s Grandpa Paul surveyed his pairs on his North Dakota pastures, that’s the criteria the patriarch applied to select his next sires.

Cattle Economics: Pasture Rental Rates


How to create a pasture rental agreement.

Become a Better Client for Your Veterinarian in Five Steps


Veterinarians typically have a deep desire to help both animals and people; sometimes that makes their job stressful.

Producers to be paid Grid Premiums for AngusLink beef scores


The American Angus Association; National Beef Packing Co., LLC; IMI Global; and U.S. Premium Beef, LLC, announce new grid premiums to take effect in August and December, based on genetic merit data.

Looking Ahead: Supporting Tomorrow's Leaders


Three ways Certified Angus Beef promotes leadership and growth for the next generation within the beef industry.

Don’t Drown


Make your marketing tasks a steady flow vs. a flash flood.

Cattle Feeders Share Their Wishlist, Predictions


Kee Jim and Mike Thoren join The Angus Conversation.

Operating Independently, Working Together


Holt, Brown join The Angus Conversation to talk partnership, inventory reporting and more.

Effects of Lower Corn Prices on Feeding Cost of Gain for Cattle Finishing


What to expect from corn prices through the first half of 2024.

Making Life Easier for Everybody


McCully shares how being helpful is a sound business model.

Charting the Course for the Cattle Cycle


The U.S. cattle industry has followed a cyclical pattern for well over a century, even throughout the many shocks and changes that have occurred over the decades. As the saying goes, history rarely repeats itself, but it does often rhyme. That is especially true when it comes to cattle cycles, which gives us a guide for market expectations in the years ahead. CattleFax Market Analyst Patrick Linnell shares how.

Access is Key


A strong breed association allows members to operate independently but take advantage of the scale and power that comes with working together.

Trend in Breakeven Prices for Cattle Finishing


Fed-cattle prices increased from an average price of $161 per hundredweight in the first quarter of 2023 to $180 per cwt. in the third quarter, or 12%. Moreover, feeding cost of gain had declined from its peak earlier this year.

Keeping Young Producers in the Business


In this episode of Angus At Work, host Shauna Hermel discusses with Livestock Marketing Association President Mark Barnett the Producer Profitability Initiative LMA is launching and the importance of enticing the next generation back to the farm.

Factors Affecting Succession Planning


Succession plans ensure continuation of the farm business. Without succession plans, the next generation is left in limbo, unsure of how to split the farm, and may be forced to sell because an agreement can’t be reached.

Successful National Angus Bull Sale, Bright Outlook for 2023


Thirty-four Angus bulls sold in Oklahoma City for an average of more than $15,500.

Where Should You Emphasize Efficiency?


By focusing on your most important inputs, improving efficiency has the most opportunity to enhance the profitability of your cattle business.

'Where's the Beef?' Program Expands Outreach to Direct Beef Sales Industry


Videos add unique, personal perspectives to AgriLife Extension program.

Market Closeout


Ranching isn’t a job.

Build Your Transition Team


Recruit professionals for your farm/ranch transition advisory team.

Efficiency, Innovation, Abundant Opportunities and Disagreeing Gracefully


Leo and Sam McDonnell join The Angus Conversation.

CattleFax Outlook: A Cattleman’s Guide to the Year


Coverage of presentations at NCBA’s 2024 Cattle Industry Convention.

The Link


Higher prices are not slowing trends.

Future-Focused Business


Direct-to-consumer beef business, Dakota Angus, earns CAB Progressive Partner Award.

National Cattle Evaluation Improvements, Parent Protocols, the Role of Angus in Herd Rebuilding and More


The Angus Conversation recaps the most recent Board meeting.

How Many Pounds of Meat Can We Expect From A Beef Animal?


Customers who buy a live animal for custom processing are often surprised by the amount of beef it yields.

Paying Family Members on the Farm or Ranch


Considerations to make before paying a wage or salary to a family member.

A Business Case for Using EPDs


Producer panel provides insight into how the industry can effectively put EPDs to use.

It’s Not Just You: Help Wanted in Rural America


Technology and immigrants are a patch for the labor crisis in the cattle business.

In The Cattle Markets


Georgia livestock economist gives update on pasture and rangeland conditions.

Sale Day Prep Starts Now


Long, Harsh talk marketing strategies and to-do lists on The Angus Conversation.

In the Driver's Seat


How Angus breeders will maintain the lead, improve margin.

Transferring Power


Customer service is one of the biggest drivers to ensure the future of your Angus operation for generations to come.

Remaining Relevant: Access to Data, Coordination and Competition


Stucky, Yon join The Angus Conversation.

From the Ground Up


Benoit Angus Ranch honored with CAB Seedstock Commitment to Excellence Award.

Meet the Meat Cutting School: UK Teaches Skills to Improve Industry


Meat Cutting School offers fun and impactful hands-on workshops, adding valuable skills to the labor force in Kentucky’s meat-processing industry.