your herd

Setting your cattle up for success.

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Up and Coming Veterinarians

Paving the way for the future by encouraging the next generation of veterinarians.

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Calf Lost, Dollars Lost

What is the cost of a failed pregnancy to a beef producer?

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Adding More Tools to the Maternal Selection Toolbox

Teat size and udder suspension research EPDs released.

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Angus Adaptability in an Evolving Industry

Keeping animal husbandry a top priority in the changing world.

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Forward Vision

The role of reproduction in a sustainable beef industry.

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The Lei Necks

Following the steps of his grandfather, Kyle Caires is partial to what many would consider old-school genetics — it’s what Mother Nature demands in the unforgiving, ever-changing environment on the island of Maui, Hawaii.

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Genes and Goals

Advancing genetic selection in Angus cattle.

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Healthier Herds

How mRNA vaccines could elevate the future of cattle health.

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Keeping Models Current Aids in Accurate Genetic Predictions: A Carcass Model Update

Genetic selection for carcass traits in the Angus breed stands as a cornerstone of the livestock industry, ensuring the continued production of high-quality protein that meets consumer demands.

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