Opportunities Abound

As we wind down 2024 and look to the new year, I can’t help but be optimistic about the future.

By Mark McCully, Chief Executive Officer

December 3, 2024

Fueling that optimism is a word I continue to hear from cattlemen of all ages: opportunity. I recognize raising cattle is not without significant challenges. But despite that, it’s a pretty incredible time to be in the cattle business, and I know of no other breed as full of opportunity as Angus.

I want to first recognize that the opportunity we have in front of us is only possible through God’s grace; the freedom we enjoy as a country; and the unbelievable amount of dedication, sacrifice, hard work and vision of so many in this breed who have come before us. I never want to overlook the significance of our amazing heritage to the success we enjoy today.  

Our opportunity starts with the product we produce. Demand for the Certified Angus Beef ® (CAB) brand is record-strong. Consumers around the globe love your product. Even when faced with record-high prices, they continue to vote with their pocketbook and purchase CAB steaks, roasts and grinds. This year 1.237 billion pounds of premium beef were sold under the brand, marking the second-best year in the history of the program. 

While our product and our Angus cattle are the envy of the industry, I believe we have the opportunity to make them both even better. The Angus toolbox for genetic selection has never been fuller for breeders and commercial cattlemen to identify deficiencies and make improvements. This past year we have added research expected progeny differences (EPDs) for Functional Longevity and udder quality to provide more tools to fine-tune the Angus cow. For commercial cattlemen, the GeneMax® AdvantageTM genomic test now includes the Angus dollar value indexes ($Values) to better match their heifer selection to their registered Angus bull purchase. 

Using a balanced, commonsense approach that leverages the strengths of our Angus breed, we can take care of the consumer, grow beef demand, and all the while maintain growth and performance in the feedlot and a functional and profitable cow herd. The Angus breed has incredible diversity in scale, which affords our industry a powerful opportunity to keep improving regardless of the environment or market priorities. 

While Angus enjoys a significant market share, we can distinguish ourselves even more. As a breed we continue to differentiate registered Angus bulls from the many look-alikes in the marketplace. The Powered by AngusSM campaign drives home the advantages that come with the data, pedigree and programs behind a registered Angus bull, and I encourage breeders to use this campaign to support their marketing. 

To build your program and attract new customers, the team at Angus Media are equipped to help breeders of all sizes build a marketing plan that fits their operation and budget. 

Also the AngusLinkSM program is proving to be an effective customer service tool for your commercial customers buying registered Angus bulls and looking for help marketing their calves.

For the young folks I visit with, opportunity is finding a spot in this business to get started. For others it’s an opportunity to expand, grow and build on their existing program. For some the discussion is about the opportunity to transition and maybe hand off the reins to someone else. 

Regardless of your angle, Angus is loaded with opportunities. Please lean on us at the Association if you need assistance uncovering yours.

Mark McCully Headshot

Mark McCully, Chief Executive Officer

Publication: Angus Journal

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