21 Millionth Registration Auction and Angus Foundation Raffle Raises $25,000

Fundraising efforts during Angus Convention help to support education, youth and research.

By Molly Biggs, Communications Specialist

November 21, 2024

As the final gavel fell, “STgenetics, Novasota, Texas,” rang out throughout the ballroom, as regional manager, Will Harsh, announced the new owner of the 21 millionth registration number.

This summer the American Angus Association Herd Book surpassed 21 million registrations. The coveted number was reserved and auctioned off at the Angus Convention, selling for $19,000 with all funds going to help support the Angus Foundations mission of education, youth and research. 

“The Angus community has been very good to STgenetics since we entered the market,” says Aaron Arnett, director of beef genetics at STgeneticts. “We are so appreciative of the leadership and expertise of the American Angus Association, especially in the program areas of research, genetic evaluation and youth development. We saw buying the 21 Millionth Registration as an opportunity to give back to a breed that has been a tremendous partner to STgenetics.” 

The 21 millionth registration had been reserved for the buyer to use on an animal already registered in the American Angus Association Herd Book or to be used on a future progeny. 

“We are hoping to name ST Wizard 1585 the 21 millionth registration,” Arnett said. “He is a very unique young sire bred by STgenetics that exemplifies many of the Association traits we value combined with an impressive physical build.”

The 21 millionth registration from the American Angus Association Herd Book was auctioned off by Colonel Jordan Hunter and sold to STgeneticts for $19,000 at the 2024 Angus Convention. 

ST Wizard 1585 is available in sexed female, sexed male and conventional semen from STgeneticts.  

“We are all so appreciative of STgenetics and their generosity in purchasing the 21 millionth registration from the Herd Book,” says Jaclyn Boester, Angus Foundation executive director. “Their donation helped us to surpass our goal at Angus Convention and will help us to continue to support our mission.” 

Also at Angus Convention, the Angus Foundation hosted a raffle with donation items from Zoetis, Merck Animal Health, SenseHub, Select Sires and the Angus Foundation. 

“We are excited to share that the convention raffle was a fantastic new initiative, offering a fun opportunity to donate while supporting the Angus Foundation,” says Jimmy Stickley, Angus Foundation donor coordinator. “A big thank you to our generous sponsors for their continued commitment to the breed and its future.” 

Enthusiastic Angus Foundation supporters helped to gather $6,000, which will go into the Angus Fund, a fund of unrestricted dollars, supporting events like Beef Leaders Institute, Leaders Engaged in Angus Development (LEAD) and Raising the Bar conferences.  

Mike Frey, Oklahoma, was the winner of the Merck Animal Health Prime Vac Cooler and 2 All Flex 50MR2 syringes; Howard Franklin, Arizona, took home the 10 units Angus semen from Select Sires; Theresa Miller, Illinois, is now the owner of the Yeti 45 Tundra Cooler from SenseHub Vence; Ruth Grove, Virginia, will now  be able to capitalize on their genetics with 50 GeneMAX Advantage tests from Zoetis; and Jim Williams, Texas, got to take home the CAB knife set, wine glasses, cutting board and Angus swag.  

“Each raffle ticket sold will go on to help every junior’s experience while in the NJAA,” says Mary Wood, chairman of the National Junior Angus Board.  “We cannot thank breeders enough for the support we received throughout the weekend.” 

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