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98 results for "Marketing" in site search
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The Survey Says: Angus Genetics Provide Value Through Supply Chain


What do commercial cattlemen pay for bulls, and how does that correlate to calf value? Are commercial herds planning to rebuild? What incentivizes feedlots to buy — and to pay a premium — on a set of calves? Angus Media, CattleFax gather insights on current management, future intentions of cow-calf and feedlot sectors.

Panelists Talk Capturing Value During Angus Convention


An Angus University session on marketing cattle brings together commercial cattlemen, seedstock producers and industry representatives.

Angus Beef Bulletin


Welcome to the Angus Beef Bulletin, the commercial cattleman’s Angus connection. Find the information you need to make the most of your investment in Angus genetics. The Angus Beef Bulletin provides news and information on health, genetics, nutrition, marketing and management through a variety of media, including the Angus Beef Bulletin magazine, the Angus Beef Bulletin EXTRA electronic newsletter and the Angus At Work podcast.

Angus Marketing News


The latest marketing news in The Business Breed.



Angus Beef Bulletin Marketing topic page providing access to stories on demand, verification programs, pricing, risk management and more.

Join Us in Fort Worth


The American Angus Association invites commercial cattlemen to attend the Angus Convention in Fort Worth, Texas, Nov. 1-4.

AngusLink Releases Maternal Score as Marketing Tool for Replacement Heifers


AngusLink’s Genetic Merit Scorecard adds a fourth score option to demonstrate the maternal weaned calf value to aid in the selection of replacement females.

It’s Complicated


Livestock economist shares details on the cattle and beef import/export balance.

Market Closeout


Middle meats and supply are driving fourth-quarter spreads.

It’s in the Details


The sights and sounds at a feedyard are predictable, but you don’t expect to find such pristine facilities and people who care about every aspect of the cattle-feeding business. It’s all there at Magnum Feedyard, just outside Wiggins, Colo.

Auction Central


A directory to auction market services, by state.

In The Cattle Markets: December 2023


Beef price action before Christmas.

Market Closeout


The Nov. 1 Cattle-on-Feed report was a much-anticipated report for the industry, as the Oct. 1 report surprised analysts with a much larger than anticipated placement number. Troy Marshall reviews the Nov. 1 report.

Feedyard Insights Bring Focus to Profitability


The recently published “Industry Insights” report conducted by CattleFax analysts in partnership with Angus Media revealed several interesting trends and attitudes from the feedyard and cow-calf sectors.

In the Cattle Markets


Cattle market sees rising cutout values and fewer cattle on feed.

Q&A: President's Perspective


Retiring President Chuck Grove on learning from the past and looking forward during his tenure on the American Angus Association Board of Directors.

The Link


IMI partnership: Looking back, moving forward.

Quality Wins, Again


Consumers still expect beef to taste great, but now it should be convenient, too.

Get Rewarded for Your Calves


You put a lot of thought and effort into the genetics and management of your calves. Why not make the most of that investment by participating in value-added programs?

New Guide Details Show-Me-Select Enhanced Option


MU Extension Show-Me-Plus captures genetic potential of heifers.

Valuable at Any Stage


Marketing calves? These strategies add value at any point in the cattle cycle.

CattleFax Forecasts Continued Producer Profitability with Herd Expansion on Horizon


Cattle producers gain leverage as reduced cattle numbers and beef production continue.

First Grid Premium Offered for Genetic Merit


Producers to be paid premium for AngusLink Beef Scores.

U.S. Cattle Inventory Down 2%


Beef cow numbers are down 2%, while cattle-on-feed numbers are up from 2023.

Lessons From Cycle Survivors


Advice for how to navigate the cattle cycle from those who have lived it.

10 Tips to Bulletproof Your Beef Operation


Beef producers can use a window of profitability to make their farm business more bulletproof.

'All I Could Think About Was Angus Cattle'


Phil Trowbridge joins The Angus Conversation, talks about the start, the future and everything in between.

Beef Trade Reacts as Expected


As the U.S. beef cow herd declines, exports fall and imports increase.

Jumping In


Bruner, Hall join The Angus Conversation to share direct-to-consumer beef marketing journey and experience with CAB’s Ranch to Table pilot project.

What does winning look like?


Regardless if you are an Olympic athlete or a fourth-generation rancher, a relentless pursuit of winning is probably in your DNA — and the Angus breed is committed to helping you reach your goals.

The Angus Conversation: Building a Brand and Cattle That Match With Kelly Schaff 


When Kelly Schaff’s Grandpa Paul surveyed his pairs on his North Dakota pastures, that’s the criteria the patriarch applied to select his next sires.

Common Ground


Association CEO Mark McCully shares a message on the power of branding in this month’s “Common Ground.”

Association Perspective: Navigating Angus Bull Prices


Determining what an Angus bull should cost in today’s market requires an understanding of the interplay between genetics, market demand and operational considerations.

Common Ground


CEO Mark McCully discusses what winning looks like for different sectors of the beef industry.

The Stage is Set


In this “Market Closeout,” Troy Marshall reviews prices received at some of the early July video sales that tend to be a bellwether for what’s to come this fall.

Producers to be paid Grid Premiums for AngusLink beef scores


The American Angus Association; National Beef Packing Co., LLC; IMI Global; and U.S. Premium Beef, LLC, announce new grid premiums to take effect in August and December, based on genetic merit data.

Michigan Angus Family Earns Ambassador Award


CAB honored Seldom Rest Farms with its 2023 Ambassador Award, recognizing the Foster family for sharing their story with CAB partners on a regular basis.

Understanding Beef Carcass Yields and Losses During Processing


Help for cattle producers who directly market their beef.

Feeding Quality Forum to Cover Market, Management and Risk


Register for the premier cattle-feeding event for half price until June 30.

The Link


2024 should be a year to remember.

Cattle Feeders Share Their Wishlist, Predictions


Kee Jim and Mike Thoren join The Angus Conversation.

Weather Weighs In


Carcass weights to fall; quality to remain.

Proper Vaccination Increases Calf Welfare and Value


Value differences stem from lower treatment costs and increased performance.

Ohio Auctioneer Awarded Top Honors at World Livestock Auctioneer Championship Qualifier


Nine others punch their ticket to the semifinals.

In The Cattle Markets


Stephen Koontz of Colorado State University assesses USDA’s August “Cattle on Feed” report.

Opportunities, Challenges in the Current Cattle Cycle


Certified Angus Beef’s Paul Dykstra discusses current market trends and what producers might expect in the coming year.

Market Predictions, Keeping Up with Your Cows — Top Stories of 2023


What cattlemen found valuable this year.

Trend in Breakeven Prices for Cattle Finishing


Fed-cattle prices increased from an average price of $161 per hundredweight in the first quarter of 2023 to $180 per cwt. in the third quarter, or 12%. Moreover, feeding cost of gain had declined from its peak earlier this year.

Make Your Marketing Dollars Count


How to develop an integrated marketing plan that works.

'Where's the Beef?' Program Expands Outreach to Direct Beef Sales Industry


Videos add unique, personal perspectives to AgriLife Extension program.