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Use these camera-ready inserts to help your customers learn about the various Angus programs on sale day.
Fund the Future
The Fund the Future campaign gives you a unique and flexible opportunity to give back to the Angus Foundation from your own annual production sale, consignment sale, bull sale or online genetic sale. Even animals offered through private treaty are eligible. Through a donation lot in your sale, you will can ensure the legacy of the Angus breed lives on through the work of the Angus Foundation.

Powered by Angus
Not all Angus are REGISTERED Angus cattle. And you want your customers to know that your cattle are backed by the data, pedigrees and programs of the American Angus Association®. Use Powered By Angus logo and sale book inserts to set yourself apart.
Certified Angus Beef - Targeting the Brand
There’s more data than ever available on today’s sire prospects. As commercial producers try to balance numerous traits in sire selection, help your customers easily find bulls with added carcass value. The Targeting the Brand™ logo does the math, simplifying the selection process.
Get the Targeting the Brand toolsAngusLink℠
AngusLink℠ programs help your customers capture the value of their investment in registered Angus genetics. They can earn premiums the Genetic Merit Scorecard and AngusVerified programs.
American Angus Association® members can participate in a rebate program when they use these inserts in their sale books. Earn $250 for using the full page ad and $150 for the half page ad.
Download AngusLink℠ marketing materials
Access AngusLink℠ Ad Rebate form
Download AngusVerified marketing materials
Learn more about AngusLink℠ programs
$Value Index
Dollar value indexes, or $Values, are a tool used to select for several traits at once based on a specific breeding objective. An economic index approach takes into account genetic and economic values as well as the relationships between traits to select for profit.
MaternalPlus® Herd
When you devote extra time to collect maternal traits beyond those required to target greater performance and predictability, you want your customers to know. Share your commitment with your customers on sale day.

Genomic-enhanced expected progeny differences (GE-EPDs) have become the industry standard for herd improvement, building on decades of science-backed genetic evaluation tools originated and maintained through the American Angus Association®, home to the largest and ever-growing single-breed beef cattle database.
You’ve tested your cattle with AngusGS, the Neogen test designed for Angus. Let your customers know. Use the logo individually on animals tested with AngusGS and use the sale book insert to tell them why it matters.
The HD50K logo can be used individually on animals tested with the Zoetis test designed for Angus. Let your customers know by using this logo.
GeneMAX Advantage
GeneMax Advantage provides cattlemen easy and dependable evaluation of commercial Angus females for maternal, feedlot, and carcass traits; and now it includes test reports for $Values, hair shedding and pulmonary arterial pressure.
American Angus Association® members can participate in a rebate program when they use these inserts in their sale books. Earn $100 for using the full page ad and $50 for the half page ad.