Next Generation

Season of Giving

By Anne Dameron, Director - Illinois

December 13, 2024

Holiday season is upon us, and there is no better time than now to give back. Being a part of the National Junior Angus Association (NJAA) is one of the biggest blessings, but not everyone is as fortunate to be surrounded by a community like the NJAA. 

While in the thick of winter show season, it can be easy to get caught up in our own travels and to-do lists. However, it’s important to take time to see how we can give back to others. Giving back doesn’t always have to include taking hours upon hours out of your day or taking hundreds of dollars out of the bank. There are many simple things you can do to give back. If you have old clothes, toys, books, shoes, etc., you can donate them to a local center. Furthermore, you can donate hygiene items or socks to a shelter. 

One fun way to give back I have personally participated in is ringing bells with the Salvation Army. This is something you can do anywhere in the country, and the money raised makes “a year-round impact in your community through social services assistance, homeless shelters, disaster relief, children’s programs, rehabilitation services, anti-human trafficking and more,” as stated by the Salvation Army.

Another great outlet for giving back is Angus Impact. Angus Impact is the NJAA’s community service program. Each year there is a theme and corresponding opportunities throughout the year to get involved. 

The 2024 Angus Impact project was collecting pop tabs to support the Ronald McDonald House. We were able to donate 652 pounds of pop tabs to the Ronald McDonald House in Madison, Wis., during the National Junior Angus Show (NJAS). 

Get involved, make an impact

The NJAA also encourages state associations to conduct acts of service throughout the year. If you have service ideas for your own community, you can bring these thoughts to your state association and get other members involved. For example, this past year at our Illinois State Preview Show, our state members collected items such as canned foods, hygiene products and toys for the Midwest Food Bank. It was something that wasn’t too difficult for everyone to pitch in, and our donations went on to help people in need. I encourage you to think of ways you can make a difference in your own community and get some of your fellow NJAA members to join in on making an impact.

A final way to become involved is by volunteering. I know we all lead busy lives, but even an hour or so of volunteering here and there can go a long way. There are many different places at which you can volunteer your time, including hospitals, shelters, food banks and libraries. 

During the past few years, I have been a volunteer at my local hospital. Some of the work I do includes putting together patient info packets, assembling care kits, checking on patient needs, transportation of patients and more. Volunteering at the hospital has been very fulfilling for me.
Seeing the impact that lending a helping hand has on others really changes one’s perspective for the better. The passion I have grown to have for giving back has also come to shape a lot of the actions I took in my own life, none more special than running for the NJAA Board of Directors.

As young Angus enthusiasts, we are no strangers to giving back. We see it continuously as we grow up in this association and watch the members who came before us give so much back to us as juniors. It truly speaks to the character and priorities we have as Angus members. 

Although many of us still have so much of our lives ahead of us, it’s important that we make time to give back and be of service now as young adults. Former President George Bush said it best, “There could be no definition of a successful life that does not include service to others.”

Anne Dameron Headshot

Anne Dameron

NJAA Board Member

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