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9 results for "Member Center Featured News" in site search
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Member Center


Everything you need to know as part of the Angus Family.

Get More Out of Your Membership


The long-range objectives of the American Angus Association are a great way for us to make sure we as an organization are on the correct path for the membership.

Pollard Farms to Donate 2025 Heifer Package


The sale of Pollard Rita 4012 will support Angus Foundation’s mission of education, youth and research.

Angus Releases New Teat and Udder Research EPDs


New research EPDs, tools released by the American Angus Association and Angus Genetics Inc., help cattlemen prioritizing maternal traits.

A New Experience Launches


The Association unveiled its newly retooled web presence July 31. The goals? To make the site easier to navigate, present information in an updated format and become an even better resource.

Maximize Maternal: An EPD and $M Update


Join us for regional town hall discussions focusing on new maternal research EPDs and their impact on Maternal Weaned Calf Value ($M).

2024 Annual Meeting Delegates elected


The delegates and alternates to the 141st Convention of Delegates of the American Angus Association have been elected.

Board Recap: Digging in on Fertility Research, Expanding CAB Production, Enhancing Member Services


Angus Board directors discuss research priorities, driving demand, member questions and more.

September 2024 Board Meeting Highlights


Review in full the topics discussed and action taken during the meeting of the Board of Directors held September 9-12, 2024, in St. Joseph, MO.