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57 results for "Industry News" in site search
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The Survey Says: Angus Genetics Provide Value Through Supply Chain


What do commercial cattlemen pay for bulls, and how does that correlate to calf value? Are commercial herds planning to rebuild? What incentivizes feedlots to buy — and to pay a premium — on a set of calves? Angus Media, CattleFax gather insights on current management, future intentions of cow-calf and feedlot sectors.

Angus Beef Bulletin


Welcome to the Angus Beef Bulletin, the commercial cattleman’s Angus connection. Find the information you need to make the most of your investment in Angus genetics. The Angus Beef Bulletin provides news and information on health, genetics, nutrition, marketing and management through a variety of media, including the Angus Beef Bulletin magazine, the Angus Beef Bulletin EXTRA electronic newsletter and the Angus At Work podcast.



Angus Beef Bulletin News topic page providing access to stories on events, industry organization updates, government programs and more.

Living With Wolves


Colorado’s wolf reintroduction plan took effect in 2023. How can ranchers manage this threat?

Biosecurity Basics & Beyond: Ensuring Your Operation’s Future


A biosecurity plan protects your animals, the industry and your bottom line.

Angus Enthusiasts Experience Angus Convention


Cattlemen gather in Orlando, Fla., for tours, education and networking.

In The Cattle Markets: December 2023


Beef price action before Christmas.

Market Closeout


The Nov. 1 Cattle-on-Feed report was a much-anticipated report for the industry, as the Oct. 1 report surprised analysts with a much larger than anticipated placement number. Troy Marshall reviews the Nov. 1 report.

Feedyard Insights Bring Focus to Profitability


The recently published “Industry Insights” report conducted by CattleFax analysts in partnership with Angus Media revealed several interesting trends and attitudes from the feedyard and cow-calf sectors.

From Thin Air


Kansas State University research adds to knowledge base on the genetic influence of methane production.

CattleFax Forecasts Continued Producer Profitability with Herd Expansion on Horizon


Cattle producers gain leverage as reduced cattle numbers and beef production continue.

Across Borders: World Angus Evaluation to Enhance Breeding, Commerce Among Partners


The Angus Conversation explores what the Oct. 13 release means for producers.

U.S. Cattle Inventory Down 2%


Beef cow numbers are down 2%, while cattle-on-feed numbers are up from 2023.

Cattle Feeders Have Spoken: Health is No. 1


Industry Insights survey says health is the first key to profit potential in the feedyard.

Corah, Nichols: Life Lessons & Thoughts on the Future of Education, Associations & Cattle Business


There could come a day when breed associations are no longer relevant. But in an ever-changing world of cattle breeding and marketing, they might be even more important than they once were.

Jumping In


Bruner, Hall join The Angus Conversation to share direct-to-consumer beef marketing journey and experience with CAB’s Ranch to Table pilot project.

An Angus Issue, an Industry Issue or No Issue at All?


The Angus Conversation explored Bovine Congestive Heart Failure with guests Randall Spare, Darrell Stevenson, and Kelli Retallick-Riley.

Dolezal, Stika: Better Measures Lead to Better Beef, Red Meat Yield Next Opportunity


Pumped product and mechanical tenderization — most associate these “enhancement” methods with pork or poultry; but not that long ago, the beef industry was exploring these options to improve product quality.

News & Notes


This month’s “News & Notes” includes the announcement of a new LMA president, good news for pork producers regarding Prop. 12, appreciation from industry groups over the advancement of a potential Farm Bill and more.

New Vaccine Created by Mizzou Researchers Protects Cattle from Deadly Tick-borne Disease


New anaplasmosis vaccine created at University of Missouri will benefit cattle and the ag economy.

News & Notes


The November 2023 “News & Notes” features items announcing the new leadership of the American Angus Association, details on the 2023 Range Beef Cow Symposium and the National Angus Bull Sale, highlights of two Angus podcasts, an announcement naming the 2024 Cattle Feeders Hall of Fame inductees, and deadlines for apply for Angus internships.

Ohio Auctioneer Awarded Top Honors at World Livestock Auctioneer Championship Qualifier


Nine others punch their ticket to the semifinals.

In The Cattle Markets


Stephen Koontz of Colorado State University assesses USDA’s August “Cattle on Feed” report.

Keeping Young Producers in the Business


In this episode of Angus At Work, host Shauna Hermel discusses with Livestock Marketing Association President Mark Barnett the Producer Profitability Initiative LMA is launching and the importance of enticing the next generation back to the farm.

A Global Celebration of the Angus Family


World Angus Technical Meeting unites breed enthusiasts from 32 countries.

Progress With BCHF


National Cattlemen’s Beef Association hosted AGI President Kelli Retallick-Riley to speak about research on cattle heart health at annual convention.

Successful National Angus Bull Sale, Bright Outlook for 2023


Thirty-four Angus bulls sold in Oklahoma City for an average of more than $15,500.

Where Tradition Drives Innovation


Connect, change and celebrate in Cowtown during the 2024 Angus Convention.

CattleFax Outlook: A Cattleman’s Guide to the Year


Coverage of presentations at NCBA’s 2024 Cattle Industry Convention.

News & Notes


This month’s edition includes industry recognition for Angus publications and communications teams, Certified Angus Beef’s 2024 Industry Achievement Award winner, the American Angus Association’s release of research EPDs for TEAT and UDDR, upcoming industry meetings, and Angus herds earning Historic Angus Herd status.

Cashing in on Your Calf Crop


Ways to generate more profit on this year’s calf crop by adding value at the auction block.

2023 Angus Foundation Heifer Package Sells for $130,000


Ingram Angus LLC of Tennessee purchases bred heifer Coleman Chloe 173 at the National Angus Bull Sale in Oklahoma City.

Smart Agriculture: Farming in the Digital Age


Mizzou’s new Digital Agriculture Research and Extension Center will enhance research, education and outreach in emerging digital technologies for farming.

Collaborating to Find Answers: Heart Health Initiative


Updates on bovine congestive heart failure.

Gene Editing and Angus: Kuehn and Mueller Tackle Possibilities and Hurdles


Gene editing technology could change the cattle business, but there are a lot of questions to answer before it becomes mainstream.

New Census Shows Alarming Loss of Family Farms


Farm Bureau President points to factors leading to decline in acres, operators.

What it Means to be a Herdsman


Generous donation allows an iconic award to hit a new level of prestige.

News & Notes


The December 2023 “News & Notes” features updates on several pieces of legislation, regional winners of the World Livestock Auctioneer Championship, details on an upcoming cow-calf clinic, free admission to the Cattle Industry Convention for some, and more.

Everything They Have


For giving it their all, Anderson Cattle receives Certified Angus Beef commercial producer award.

News & Notes


Stay current with news from across the country.

In The Cattle Markets


The Livestock Marketing Information Center offers an assessment of the January USDA Cattle on Feed report.

Do Only Americans Own America?


National security concerns prompted the U.S. Senate to propose a bill prohibiting the purchase of land in the United States by companies or individuals from China, North Korea, Iran or Russia.

Managing & Marketing High-Quality Cattle More Precisely


The world has changed, cattle have changed, and those managing them must keep up. The 19th annual Certified Angus Beef Feeding Quality Forum in Dodge City, Kan., gave 260 attendees tools and information to do just that.

How Long Will High Prices Last?


Derrell Peel, Extension livestock marketing specialist at Oklahoma State University, says the increase in cattle prices this year actually started last year, as cattle numbers dropped. The midyear 2023 cattle inventory report showed the national cow herd is still getting smaller, he says..

Angus Releases Cow Longevity Prediction


Now available in a research EPD format, functional longevity (FL) evaluates how long Angus cows will stay in the herd and how many calves they will produce.

News & Notes


The October 2023 “News & Notes” includes reauthorization of the Animal Drug User Fee Act, USDA’s testing of “raised without antibiotics” claims and previous testing of other animal-raising claims, invitations to listen to upcoming Angus podcasts and the American Angus Auxiliary’s Full Circle Online Auction, internships offered through Angus entities and a way to support the Angus Foundation without spending an extra dollar.

Record High Cattle Prices Supported by Declining Supplies and Good Demand


An update on the cattle market.

Angus to Host Commercial Cattlemen’s Day at OKC Fairgrounds


In conjunction with Cattlemen’s Congress, the American Angus Association® will host itinerary for commercial cattlemen on Jan. 5.

News & Notes


News from across the country, the February 2024 “News & Notes” includes efforts to end fake meat labeling practices, a top-indexing bull, dates for upcoming Stockmanship & Stewardship events, policy priorities of the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, USDA climate hubs and payment options for farm loans.

Market Closeout: December 2023


The future is bright.