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92 results for "Health" in site search
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The Survey Says: Angus Genetics Provide Value Through Supply Chain


What do commercial cattlemen pay for bulls, and how does that correlate to calf value? Are commercial herds planning to rebuild? What incentivizes feedlots to buy — and to pay a premium — on a set of calves? Angus Media, CattleFax gather insights on current management, future intentions of cow-calf and feedlot sectors.

Angus Beef Bulletin


Welcome to the Angus Beef Bulletin, the commercial cattleman’s Angus connection. Find the information you need to make the most of your investment in Angus genetics. The Angus Beef Bulletin provides news and information on health, genetics, nutrition, marketing and management through a variety of media, including the Angus Beef Bulletin magazine, the Angus Beef Bulletin EXTRA electronic newsletter and the Angus At Work podcast.



Angus Beef Bulletin Health topic page providing links to stories on vaccination protocols, treatments, disease detection and more.

Gizmos & Gadgets


This month’s “Gizmos & Gadgets” includes a product to reduce the pain associated with castration and new tractor models.

Biosecurity Basics & Beyond: Ensuring Your Operation’s Future


A biosecurity plan protects your animals, the industry and your bottom line.

Cotton Byproducts Aid Reproduction in Beef Cows


Cottonseed and its byproducts contain a high amount of calcium and help fill in nutrient gaps left by other feed ingredients.

Winter Cow Syndrome


Who is vulnerable, and how to remedy the situation when cows lose weight due to Winter Syndrome during winter.

The Basics of Wheat Pasture Frothy Bloat


Tips to manage cattle on wheat and other forages to prevent frothy bloat.

Prepare Grain Bins Responsibly Using These Safety Tips


With harvest season in full swing, farmers are reminded to practice safety around grain bins and grain-handling equipment..

From Thin Air


Kansas State University research adds to knowledge base on the genetic influence of methane production.

Healthier Herds


How mRNA vaccines could elevate the future of cattle health.

Cattle Nutrition is Vital to the Immune System


How cultivating immunity via nutrition <span class="roman">in utero</span> can influence lifelong health.

Health & Husbandry


Author Brad White explains the concept of front-loading your calving season and why it matters in this edition of “Health & Husbandry.”

Valuable at Any Stage


Marketing calves? These strategies add value at any point in the cattle cycle.

Fenceline Weaning Reduces Stress and Illness in Calves


Ranchers have found better ways to wean than putting calves in a corral and taking the cows away. Jon and Breezy Millar have been fenceline-weaning their calves since 2012.

Be Aware of Toxic Cyanobacteria


Cyanobacteria, also known as blue-green algae, can produce toxins that are harmful to livestock, wildlife and people.

Angus Adaptability in an Evolving Industry


Keeping animal husbandry a top priority in the changing world.

Investigating the Cause of Cattle Abortions


Developing an overall herd health plan with your veterinarian can improve the recognition of preventable reproductive losses and enable preventative management strategies.

Warts Are Most Common in Young Cattle


Warts often appear in yearlings and are contagious, often spreading to multiple animals in the group.

Gizmos & Gadgets


This month's “Gizmos & Gadgets” features FDA approval of additional claims for the combination use of Pennchlor® and Rumensin®, a new ultrasound unit by ReproScan and New Holland Agriculture’s new CR11 combine.

Bloat Treatment


Beef specialist offers multiple tips to reduce rumen distress.

Emergency IV for Dehydrated Calves


When a sick calf is past the point of being able to absorb oral fluids, the only way to save that calf is with intravenous fluids.

Precautionary Measures


Initiating a positive veterinarian-client-patient relationship can allow producers to enhance herd health through effective, proactive vaccination and antibiotic administration.

Properly Curing Hay is Crucial for Forage Quality


Properly curing hay to the correct moisture level for baling is crucial to maintaining forage quality.

Cattle Feeders Have Spoken: Health is No. 1


Industry Insights survey says health is the first key to profit potential in the feedyard.

Products & Services


A directory to suppliers providing products, services.

An Angus Issue, an Industry Issue or No Issue at All?


The Angus Conversation explored Bovine Congestive Heart Failure with guests Randall Spare, Darrell Stevenson, and Kelli Retallick-Riley.

Theileria orientalis Ikeda: An Emerging Risk in Cattle


A new tickborne infection mimics anaplasmosis, but affects a larger age range of cattle.

Preventing and Treating Pinkeye in Your Herd


Looking for guidelines relating to identifying, treating and preventing pinkeye? We’ve got you covered. We pulled tips from Brad White, Kansas State University veterinarian with the Beef Cattle Institute, in an episode of Angus At Work, a podcast for the profit-minded cattleman.

Become a Better Client for Your Veterinarian in Five Steps


Veterinarians typically have a deep desire to help both animals and people; sometimes that makes their job stressful.

Managing Tick-related Sickness in the Herd


Speaking on a recent Cattle Chat podcast, K-State veterinarian Brad White said anaplasmosis is a blood-borne pathogen carried primarily by ticks and can affect cattle in certain regions of the country.

New Vaccine Created by Mizzou Researchers Protects Cattle from Deadly Tick-borne Disease


New anaplasmosis vaccine created at University of Missouri will benefit cattle and the ag economy.

Importance of Colostrum


The passive immunity transfer window may be shorter than you think.

Proper Vaccination Increases Calf Welfare and Value


Value differences stem from lower treatment costs and increased performance.

Raised With Respect Cattle Care Campaign Launched


Certified Angus Beef and Sysco join forces to support farmers and ranchers, and beef community as a whole.

Effect of Calving Difficulty on Reproductive Performance


Every delay of 30 minutes of obstetric care during stage II labor can result in a six-day longer anestrous period.

Cotton Byproducts in Beef Cattle Rations


The benefits of cottonseed for cow-calf operations.

Market Predictions, Keeping Up with Your Cows — Top Stories of 2023


What cattlemen found valuable this year.

Take Precautions Against Toxicity of Sorghum Forages


Cool temperatures and other fall stressors can lead to the development of prussic acid or accumulation of nitrates in sorghum forages.

Prevent Pinkeye Pain for Your Cattle


Angus Beef Bulletin intern Taylor Edwards discusses pinkeye — how to identify the problem, how to treat it and how to prevent the infection — with Kansas State University veterinarian Brad White for this episode of Angus At Work.

Veterinarian Answers Questions on Bovine Lameness


How lameness affects the bottom line, and what can be done to prevent it.

Progress With BCHF


National Cattlemen’s Beef Association hosted AGI President Kelli Retallick-Riley to speak about research on cattle heart health at annual convention.

From the Field


Regional managers Rod Geppert, Casey Jentz and Kurt Kangas share tips for how to prepare for the unexpected.

Ringworm in Cattle


Often a winter problem, ringworm is most frequently seen in young animals.

Winter Came. Now What?


With winter often comes a myriad of health challenges. Two University of Missouri health experts share wellness strategies for cattlemen and women.

Mycotoxins Steal Profits


Why mycotoxins are more prevalent today than ever before.

Technology Finds Sick Calves Faster


SenseHub Feedlot offers option to detect disease, helping cattlemen pinpoint concerns earlier, says Jason Nickell in “Angus at Work” episode.

The Green Vitamin


Do pregnant cows need even more vitamin A?

Good from the Start


Learning to manage young bulls properly can pay dividends.

Are Your Cows Running Out of Vitamin A?


Months from green grass, stores in the liver may be running low.