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31 results for "Animal Handling" in site search
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Angus Beef Bulletin


Welcome to the Angus Beef Bulletin, the commercial cattleman’s Angus connection. Find the information you need to make the most of your investment in Angus genetics. The Angus Beef Bulletin provides news and information on health, genetics, nutrition, marketing and management through a variety of media, including the Angus Beef Bulletin magazine, the Angus Beef Bulletin EXTRA electronic newsletter and the Angus At Work podcast.



Angus Beef Bulletin Management topic page providing access to stories on business planning, herd management, land stewardship, facilities solutions and more.



Angus Beef Bulletin Health topic page providing links to stories on vaccination protocols, treatments, disease detection and more.

Gizmos & Gadgets


Get the scoop on a new metal RFID tag, a rumen bolus for livestock monitoring, a means to lower your utility bill and a system to predict cattle feed intake and make feeding predictions.

Helping Your Child Feed Their 4-H or FFA Market Steer


Now that fall is here, and most spring-born calves are being weaned, 4-Hers and FFA students are looking over the calf crops and picking out market steer prospects for the 2024 county fair. Here are some tips for feeding them.

Biosecurity Basics & Beyond: Ensuring Your Operation’s Future


A biosecurity plan protects your animals, the industry and your bottom line.

‘Invisible Fence’ Keeps Cattle on Ranch and Protects Environment


Replacing wire and posts with cell towers and GPS collars offers a new way to set boundaries for grazing cattle.

From Thin Air


Kansas State University research adds to knowledge base on the genetic influence of methane production.

Fenceline Weaning Reduces Stress and Illness in Calves


Ranchers have found better ways to wean than putting calves in a corral and taking the cows away. Jon and Breezy Millar have been fenceline-weaning their calves since 2012.

Angus Adaptability in an Evolving Industry


Keeping animal husbandry a top priority in the changing world.

Bloat Treatment


Beef specialist offers multiple tips to reduce rumen distress.

Evergreen Practices for Winter Forage Management


Making the most of hay and pasture distribution amid the onset of colder conditions can drastically impact an operation’s winter feeding plan.

Preventing and Treating Pinkeye in Your Herd


Looking for guidelines relating to identifying, treating and preventing pinkeye? We’ve got you covered. We pulled tips from Brad White, Kansas State University veterinarian with the Beef Cattle Institute, in an episode of Angus At Work, a podcast for the profit-minded cattleman.

New Regions, New Opportunities


Talon Youth Education Learning Program provides diverse opportunities for hosts and students.

Raised With Respect Cattle Care Campaign Launched


Certified Angus Beef and Sysco join forces to support farmers and ranchers, and beef community as a whole.

Benefits of Weaning Early


Early-weaning calves has advantages, but it requires planning to reap the full rewards.

From the Field


Regional managers Rod Geppert, Casey Jentz and Kurt Kangas share tips for how to prepare for the unexpected.

Good from the Start


Learning to manage young bulls properly can pay dividends.

The Virtual Frontier


Adapting managerial intervention in the cow herd to cut down on input costs, improve land stewardship and enhance inventory tracking data through virtual fencing.

Sale Day Prep Starts Now


Long, Harsh talk marketing strategies and to-do lists on The Angus Conversation.

Weaning on the Ranch: Considerations for a Better Outcome


Strategies and tips for weaning calves.

Ground Zero, Below Zero


Acknowledging cattle’s body condition scores when formulating winter feed and forage plans can give producers a step up going into the cold season.

What it Means to be a Herdsman


Generous donation allows an iconic award to hit a new level of prestige.

Inclement Adjacent


Meeting your herd’s nutritional needs with supplemental feeding may give them the nutritive edge going into the winter.

Working Cattle on ATV or Horseback


Does it come down to preference, or are there times when either a horse or an ATV is better than the other?

Getting Better in the Good Times


Feeding Quality Forum tells of volatility, high prices and expectations.

How to Handle Livestock Safely


University of Missouri experts offer livestock handling tips during National Farm Safety & Health Week.

Castrating Larger Calves


There are several tools and methods for banding large calves. According to Randall Raymond, director of research and veterinary services at Simplot Livestock, all of them work reasonably well.

Tagging Techniques


Last year (2011), we posed a question to our Angus Beef Bulletin EXTRA subscribers: What type of numbering system do you use to identify your calf crop?

From the Field


Regional Managers Quanah Gardiner, Reese Tuckwiller and David Gazda share tips for how to stay safe on the ranch.

Dealing with Broken Bones in Calves


Occasionally cattle suffer fractures, and it’s generally a leg bone. Often it’s a young calf, and the fractured limb can be cast or splinted.