The way to truly help your customers succeed is to help them capture value on their investment in registered Angus bulls. As a member of the Association, you have the power to offer next-level customer service at little cost with AngusLink and make a big impact on customers’ bottom line.

put more dollars in their pockets

Sign-up to receive the AngusLink Customer Service Toolkit. 

The toolkit includes plug-and-play information for buyer letters, newsletters and digital media; an email template; and a pre-sale speech cheat sheet. The toolkit will be delivered via email after you submit the form.

A cattle producer looking at a sale catalog and notes on his phone.

Have a question?

AngusLink team members are here and ready to help.

Cows with genetic merit scorecard

Quantify calf performance

The Genetic Merit Scorecard(GMS) draws on the industry’s largest database to evaluate calf genetics, indicating how cattle will perform in the feedlot and on the rail.

Calves in field with AV logo

Verification pays.

Producers are being paid premiums in the marketplace for their AngusVerified enrolled cattle.