Pilakowski Angus Bull Sale

Herd City:   Arthur, NE US
Sale Date:   02/12/2024
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Auctioneer:   Matt Printz
Angus Media Rep:   Will Harsh
Lots Gross Average
44 Yrlg.Bulls $424,500.00 $9,647.00
44 Total Registered Bulls $424,500.00 $9,647.00
44 Reported Sale Total $424,500.00 $9,647.00

Top Bull
Lot  14 MMP Convoy L50 $16,000.00
Buyer:   Whitewater Ranch - Sutherland, NE
Sire Name:  Connealy Convoy
Seller:  Pilakowski Angus Arthur NE
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Lot  12 MMP Samuel L58 $15,500.00
Buyer:   Y6 Livestock - Arthur, NE
Sire Name:  MMP Samuel
Seller:  Pilakowski Angus Arthur NE
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Lot  5 MMP Stats L81 $15,000.00
Buyer:   Chuck and Jerry Ardissono - Oshkosh, NE
Sire Name:  Mohnen Stats
Seller:  Pilakowski Angus Arthur NE
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Lot  27 MMP Jameson L114 $14,500.00
Buyer:   Haythorn Land and Cattle Company - Arthur, NE
Sire Name:  Connealy Jameson
Seller:  Pilakowski Angus Arthur NE
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Lot  15 MMP Benchmark L65 $14,000.00
Buyer:   Haythorn Land and Cattle Company - Arthur, NE
Sire Name:  Mill Brae Benchmark 9016
Seller:  Pilakowski Angus Arthur NE
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Lot  2 MMP Samuel L32 $14,000.00
Buyer:   Y6 Livestock - Arthur, NE
Sire Name:  MMP Samuel
Seller:  Pilakowski Angus Arthur NE
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